
Profile Settings

Notifications Settings

Choose type of notifications you want to receive



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Valid thru: 12/26 CVV: ***
Dark - Light Mode Settings
System Setting

Note: This is just UI of Theme mode setting. This is not working functionality.

Website Settings
Enter Website Name. It Display in Website and Email.
Using for Contact and Send Email
For write brief description of your organization, or a Website.
Using for Contact and Support
For Support Email
Enter support Address
Activity Logs

You can save your all activity logs including unusual activity detected.

Change Password

Set a unique password to protect your account.

Change Password

Last change 10 Aug 2020

2 Step Verification

Secure your account with 2 Step security. When it is activated you will need to enter not only your password, but also a special code using app. You can receive this code by in mobile app.

Activity Log
Browser IP Time Action
Chrome On Window 12 Nov 2021
Mozilla On Window 08 Nov 2021
Chrome On iMac 06 Nov 2021
Mozilla On Window 02 Nov 2021